One of the big differences between online poker and traditional, is the amount of information we can get about our opponents and the game itself.
While on a traditional poker game you can play a single hand and do the calculations depend on you and your skills in an online you can play several at once and serve to support software that will facilitate decision-making.
There are numerous programs to help poker online, depending on the function that look will be more interesting to use one or the other.
Advantages of support sofwares
Depending on the type of software we use, these can be very useful when playing a poker game.
Failure to use such programs can put us at a distinct disadvantage against many of our opponents at the tables online game. The main advantages of these programs are:
They help in the process of reading other players.
They offer the option of simulating different hands before rivals category.
Allow the calculation of probabilities of our cards at different times of the game.
Monitor the game thus helping decision making.
The list
There are many computer programs, so in pokeraction have made a selection of those who can not miss .
Hold’em Manager
This program is for many professional poker one of the most complete and useful market. The software has two main functions:
– The HUD (Heads-Up Display). The importance of these HUD is essential as they help the player while it is developing the game of poker . When playing at a table, it can be easy to study the behavior of a particular player, but when participating in several at the same time, it can be a more complicated task. The HUD calculated statistics about players at the table, so that we can analyze information and draw conclusions more quickly.
– The reports are important once the game is over. These allow us to analyze hands and plays as well as the overall game strategy we have followed. According to different criteria such as number of players at the table or positions where we played, we can even play the game entirely.
It is a caluladora of equity for Texas Hold’em we can use in preflop, on the flop and the turn. Simply and quickly, this software is able to calculate the chances of winning that we have before all community cards are displayed.
The calculator loses all its value during the course of the game, the time to use it before they have uncovered all the cards.
Flopzilla is a statistical software that calculates the frequency of a given range in different situations.
This program is very easy to use. Just point your starting hands and the table and statistics for the frequency with which can occur a certain range.One of the big differences between online poker and traditional, is the amount of information we can get about our opponents and the game itself.
While on a traditional poker game you can play a single hand and do the calculations depend on you and your skills in an online you can play several at once and serve to support software that will facilitate decision-making.
There are numerous programs to help poker online, depending on the function that look will be more interesting to use one or the other.
Advantages of support sofwares
Depending on the type of software we use, these can be very useful when playing a poker game.
Failure to use such programs can put us at a distinct disadvantage against many of our opponents at the tables online game. The main advantages of these programs are:
They help in the process of reading other players.
They offer the option of simulating different hands before rivals category.
Allow the calculation of probabilities of our cards at different times of the game.
Monitor the game thus helping decision making.
The list
There are many computer programs, so in pokeraction have made a selection of those who can not miss.
Hold’em Manager
This program is for many professional poker one of the most complete and useful market. The software has two main functions:
– The HUD (Heads-Up Display). The importance of these HUD is essential as they help the player while it is developing the game of poker. When playing at a table, it can be easy to study the behavior of a particular player, but when participating in several at the same time, it can be a more complicated task. The HUD calculated statistics about players at the table, so that we can analyze information and draw conclusions more quickly.
– The reports are important once the game is over. These allow us to analyze hands and plays as well as the overall game strategy we have followed. According to different criteria such as number of players at the table or positions where we played, we can even play the game entirely.
It is a caluladora of equity for Texas Hold’em we can use in preflop, on the flop and the turn. Simply and quickly, this software is able to calculate the chances of winning that we have before all community cards are displayed.
The calculator loses all its value during the course of the game, the time to use it before they have uncovered all the cards.
Flopzilla is a statistical software that calculates the frequency of a given range in different situations.
This program is very easy to use. Just point your starting hands and the table and statistics for the frequency with which can occur a certain range.